All Lives Matter

Recently we have seen a lot of shootings that are racially induced.  One guy is harmed by police so another man goes on to kill a police officer.  Why?  Shouldn’t we love one another and quit judging someone by their sin color.  If someone was injured would you check out their skin color to see if you wanted to help them, Or would you run to their rescue without thinking about it.  Recently I had the chance to help some women who had been in a serious car accident.  I didn’t look at their skin color first, I saw that they were human beings with lives that mattered.

The media is race bating.  They are creating chaos and for what.   We are all people with importance.  It doesn’t matter who we are or where we live.  We should love each other like Jesus Christ loves us.  He gave his life on a cross for all mankind.  He didn’t choose a select group of people that he wanted to die for.  John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world!!!!!!  That he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.

When we start loving others more than we do ourselves, then this world will become a better place to live.  What happened to the times when someone would help out their neighbor.  We shouldn’t do things for payment but because we want to. We should look for ways to help out our fellow man.  We are all in this world together.  Time we started acting like it.  Time to show others love and forgive one another.  Love can erase hate.  No one is better than another. All lives matter to me, all lives matter to God.

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