Living Healthier

As a healthcare associate, I have to work hard to maintain my health: because life has many stressors, unhealthy pleasures, and schedules to maintain.  

When I reached my forties, my health began to spiral downward. I woke up realizing I had to do something different. I was not in the best health. I had hypertension,  asthma, was overweight. I couldn’t do anything without getting short of breath.

I was suppose to be a healthy individual guiding others, instead I was stressed out and developed an ulcer. I became depressed and it was difficult to enjoy life. So that is when I decided to make a change. I was going to change my diet, exercise routine,  and quit my job. So I started the Living Well Club. I believe this is my calling, to help others with their health needs, whether physical or mental. 

Come check out my blog, read some great health related articles and subscribe for more updates.

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I would like to thank the following sources for allowing me to post photos, related text and helpful information on this blog. Sources: Merriam Webster dictionary