Never Sell a Product!

As a new business owner, I’ve heard from several people who tell others that they should never try to sell a product. Let me explain this a little further. One time at a book signing a guy came up to my table and started browsing. I went on to tell him what my books were about. He looked at me and said how will these books help me. Well at first I didn’t understand what he was asking. His English was not perfect for he was from a different country. I went on to tell him how great the books were and he went on to ask the question again. See, he wasn’t looking for a synopsis of the book. He was wanting to know how he would benefit in reading my books. Suddenly, I had an “Ah Ha” moment. I understood what he was asking. Even though he asked the question, he was wanting me to take a look for myself at how I was trying to “Sell” the book.
Most people don’t want a salesman approaching them and shoving something into their faces. They want to gain something from their purchase. If one goes to the store for shoes, they go because they need them. If a lady goes to a dress shop for a dress, they might look at how appealing it is or how great it makes them look, but indeed they need it. Whether it is to help them with their personal esteem or simply because they need something to wear. Every purchase is usually bought for a reason.
Book readers might buy a book because they enjoy reading. Why? It relaxes them, helps them feel good about themselves, teaches them something or interest them somehow. Whether it is a nonfiction book about health or a romance novel. Each serves a purpose for the reader.
From that moment at the book signing, I took a moment to reflect on how my books might help others. Lets look at Southern Adventures. Southern Adventures was written about my life, but it is a book of reflection on things that have inspired me and taught me throughout my life. How can it benefit the reader? The reader can walk away realizing that their life is just a vapor. That no one has a perfect life without trials or tribulations. It helps the reader feel a sense of relief because they are here on this earth for a reason. That things do not happen by chance alone.
I hope this shows you that a person shouldn’t try to sell their book but tell the potential buyer what they will be missing if they don’t buy the book. Tell them the benefits they will receive; whether it is relaxation, comfort, reflection, inspiration or entertainment.

Written by Tracy Kauffman

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I would like to thank the following sources for allowing me to post photos, related text and helpful information on this blog. Sources: Merriam Webster dictionary