Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder?

Beautiful young woman looking in the mirror

What makes a person “Beautiful”? As I watch this years Bachelorette show, I observed the contestants reactions to this season’s Bachelorette. Most saw her good looks and immediately said, “She is beautiful or She is hot”. I say it is hard to tell how beautiful a person is without getting to know them. Let’s say that this year’s bachelorette was indeed beautiful by the observance of the naked eye, but was very rude, mean, stinky, bad mannered, bad breathed and a complete gold digger. Would the guys still have the same opinion of her and say that she was beautiful?

The truth is beauty is vain. Whether you are young or old, you judge a person by their physical appearance. It might be later on that you say that they are ugly by their demeanor, but that idea and thought comes much later. A very sweet young girl with no makeup, a little chubby and dirt poor might be the most beautiful person you have ever met in your life. But to most men, they will not give this person the time of day. Most guys judge a book by the cover. The same applies to women when they look for a potential mate. They might put up with a guy’s rudeness and vanity if they have a nice outward appearance.

I am ashamed that I do the same thing. This is regarding anything I look at. If I decide to buy a book, I judge the book by the cover. If I decide to buy a dress, I judge the dress by the way it looks on the rack and of course the price tag. When I go to the dressing room, if it looks nice on me than I will buy it, even though it is made of some prickly fabric that irritates me.

A person’s beauty cannot be measured by the eye of the beholder. That person will measure unfairly. Beauty can be observed after watching a person closely. Observing a woman helping an elderly man across the street. Or observing a person giving money to the Red Cross bucket at Wal-mart. Beauty is what is inside a person, their true values, cares, and how they react toward others. Beauty is measured within a person’s heart not their physical appearance.

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I would like to thank the following sources for allowing me to post photos, related text and helpful information on this blog. Sources: Merriam Webster dictionary